PCCs employ staff to assist them in carrying out their role, known as the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner (OPCC).  Much like a Government Department or local council support office, staff are politically restricted and will provide professional support for the PCC regardless of their political status.

It is up to each PCC to determine the numbers and scope of support staff. The level and structure of staff varies across England and Wales according to local PCC priorities.  Staffing levels vary from 10 staff in smaller police forces areas to over 100 in London. Details about the current staffing structure for the OPCC in Lancashire can be found below.

Each PCC is legally obliged to have two statutory officers amongst their staff – a Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer and a Chief Finance Officer.

Staff may be required to assist the PCC with strategic planning, financial management, independent performance analysis, victim service commissioning, communications, consultation and engagement, partnership working, correspondence and complaints, governance, office management and administration.

PCCs may choose to employ a Deputy PCC to help them in their duties. The Deputy PCC would be a member of the PCCs staff, although unlike staff working for the PCC, he or she would not be politically restricted. The PCC can pay the Deputy PCC a salary (at a level determined by the PCC) and other allowances.

The appointment of the Deputy PCC would be subject to a confirmation hearing in public by the Police & Crime Panel.

The Office Team

The Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Lancashire is a small dedicated team of experienced officers whose role it is to support the Police & Crime Commissioner in delivering their policy priorities.  The current structure of the Office can be viewed here.

The Commissioner and their office will work with partners and Lancashire Constabulary to address the policy priorities and local objectives set out in the Police & Crime Plan.

Staff Monitoring

The PCC has a statutory obligation to publish the number of members of staff in their team, including the proportion of staff who are women and (to the knowledge of the PCC) are members of an ethnic minority and/or have a disability.

The team currently includes the following staff:

Number of posts in the structure* 19 FTE
Number of current people in post (including those working part-time) 17
Proportion of staff who are women 63%
Proportion of staff who are members of an ethnic minority None
Proportion of staff who have a disability None

*excluding the PCC

How We Work

The Police & Crime Commissioner for Lancashire and the Chief Constable work with the following framework documents:

PCC Decisions

The PCC can make decisions at any time on matters within his/her remit.  Examples of Decisions can be found here.

Joint Management Board

The PCC and Chief Constable meet jointly and make decisions within their remit.  Examples of Joint Management Board meetings can be found here.

Strategic Scrutiny Meetings

Regular Strategic Scrutiny meetings are held by the Commissioner where the Chief Constable is held to account for his performance.  Examples of Strategic Scrutiny Meetings can be found here.

Joint Audit & Ethics Committee

The PCC and Chief Constable have appointed a Joint Audit & Ethics Committee which meets regularly.  Minutes and papers for previous meetings can be found here.

Annual Report

The PCC is required to publish an Annual Report.

The Annual Report for 2018/19 can be found here.

Expenditure Exceeding £500

Lists detailing expenditure exceeding £500 can be found here.


The Commissioner and Chief Constable approved and signed the Statement of Accounts for 2018/19 at the meeting of the Joint Management Board on ????

The Police & Crime Commissioner’s Statement of Accounts for 2018/19 can be viewed here.

The Chief Constable’s Statement of Accounts for 2018/19 can be viewed here.

The summary of the Statement of Accounts can be viewed here.

The Annual Governance Statement for 2018/19 was recommended for approval by members of the Joint Audit & Ethics Committee at the meeting on the 17th June 2015.  Grant Thornton External Auditors have indicated in their final report that they comply with the requirements of the CIPFA/Solace Delivering Good Governance in Local Government Framework.  They can be found here.

Audit of Accounts

The accounts of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Lancashire are subject to external audit.  The Annual Audit letter from the External Auditors Grant Thornton can be found here.

Financial Governance Arrangements

The current Financial Management Code of Practice provides clarity on the financial governance arrangements which the Police serve in England and Wales.

Financial Regulations

To ensure value for money and sound financial management, the Financial Regulations and Scheme of Consent can be found here.

Meetings and Events

The PCC’s activity can be found under latest news.